Electrolux TD6-20LAC
Line 6000 is several laps ahead of other dryers in terms of energy savings and speed. This is good for the world around us and good for your bottom line. By investing heavily in advanced technology, we have achieved outstanding drying times while also reducing the dryer's life cycle costs.
The most productive tumble dryer - the new Line 6000 tumble dryers benefit from an advanced technology that consistently reduces drying times and grant up to 60% savings on energy.
With the shortest drying time on the market, no other tumble dryer can handle the volumes ours does in the same amount of time.
Designed with the user in mind the new Line 6000 tumble dryers let you work more comfortably making each repetitive movement less tiring.
The Adaptive Fan control adjusts the fan speed automatically to save energy and reduce drying time providing an even drying result. When you have more than one tumble dryer in a series and your ventilation duct has a constant diameter the Adaptive Fan will adjust the fan speed to keep air flowing efficiently.